The Colors of Mexico
Getting around on the streets of Mexico City may seem intimidating. But don't let it stop you or else you will miss all the sights, sounds and flavors that Mexico City and its surrounding areas have to offer. With the help of Uber and your own legs, you would be surprised to find how easy it is to get around.  Knowing Spanish helps of course. In case you don't know Spanish, Google Translate works just as well.

Of course, Mexico City has its issues, like any other city would. For example, you can't help but notice the graffiti. Earthquakes have shaken and Popocatepetl, the volcano which sits just east of the city, has choked the city in the past, which is certain to happen again.

But again, don't let such things stop you from seeing all that Mexico City has to offer.
From left to right - 1. A public park fence. 2. An intersection in the town of Ojo de Agua which is north of Mexico City. 3. A house in Ojo de Agua. 4. A yellow facade in Mexico City. 5. Little Asia. 6. The Frida Kahlo Museum. 7. An Uber driver in Mexico City. 8. The Angel of Independence or Angel de Independencia. 9. An old building on a street corner in Mexico City.
You can't beat the flavors that are found in street tacos and then washing it down with a Coke from a bottle. For some reason, the flavor from a Coke in a glass bottle is far superior to Coke from a can or plastic bottle.

In the heart of Mexico City, an outdoor mall with numerous shops provides a palette of colorful souvenirs and trinkets. Figures for Dia de Los Muertos, backpacks and bags, dresses and t-shirts can all be found. You will need a large suitcase to carry your acquired goods back home.

From left to right - 1. A vendor selling tacos. 2. Tacos and Coke. 3. La Cuidadela Mercado de Artesanias in Mexico City. 4. Goods sold at La Cuidadela Mercado de Artesanias in Mexico City. A vendor hand makes a Dia de Los Muertos skull.
Near the ruins of Teotihuacan sits a restaurant, but you can't see it from the street. You can barely see it from the parking lot. It is a restaurant that sits inside a cave and is somewhat underground. La Gruta not only has a unique, cozy ambiance, its food has all the local flavors that consist of corn, cactus, black beans and more. Light a candle and place it in the rear of the cave and you will be rewarded with much success.

Hotels in Mexico City are your typical modern day hotels. Marriot, Holiday Inn, etc. But for an experience that takes you into the past, a night at the Hotel Geneve is worth the price. The decor takes you back to the 20s and 30s. The lobby resembles the study that can be found in any mansion. And the service is first rate. To get around, you can ask the concierge for transportation to any of the nearby museums.
From left to right - 1. A hotel in Mineral del Monte, Mexico. 2. La Gruta restaurant near Teotihuacan. 3. Room keys in the Hotel Geneve in Mexico City.
Mexico City, and its surrounding areas, have a lot to offer. From the pyramids of Teotihuacan, to the castle that sits in the middle of Chapultepec park. The colors are bright, the food is delicious and the music is lively and energetic. The Spanish and French style is evident in the architecture and design. It is a city that never sleeps and is constantly alive with activity.

Don't let the media scare you into thinking it is a dangerous place to be. I have seen YouTube videos of people filming themselves walking around the city. If someone can walk around with an expensive camera, then it can't be as bad as it may sound. Like any city in America, it has its crime, its pollution and other issues. No different than New York or L.A.

Give Mexico City and its surrounding areas a try, you won't be disappointed.

From left to right - 1. Window view of Ojo de Agua, Mexico. 2. Spiral staircase. 3. A church in Mineral del Monte, Mexico. 4. Church alter in Mexico City. 5. Performers reenact an Aztec ritual. 6. Staircase in Hotel Geneve. 7. Props for a gentlemen hang in the Hotel Geneve. 8. Old buggy found in Reino Animal park near Teotihuacan. 9. Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. 10. Spectators watch a wrestling match in Ojo de Agua, Mexico.

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